1. Along which river and its tributaries do the German vineyards lie?
2. Along which river is most of France’s Sauvignon Blanc cultivated?
3. Claret wine is produced in the region surrounding which French city?
4. How are fizzy wines, other than champagnes, described?
5. How many normal size wine bottles would you have in a Methuselah?
6. In which area of Italy is Chianti Classico produced?
7. In which country is Rioja produced?
8. In which country is the Marlborough wine region?
9. In which country is the wine-growing Barossa Valley?
10. In which country is the wine-making area of Stellenbosch?
1. Rhine2. Loire
3. Bordeaux
4. Sparkling
5. Eight
6. Tuscany
7. Spain
8. New Zealand
9. Australia
10. South Africa
Common Diseases of Crops
Black heart: Potatoes
Kernel bunt: Wheat
Powdery Mildew: Peas
Red Rot: Sugarcane
World’s Largest Producers of Crops, Minerals, Industrial goods etc.
Aluminium: U.S.A., Canada Norway, Switzerland, France and India.
Asbestos: Canada leads in the world in production of Asbestos.
Carpets: Iran, India.
Cheese: U.S.A., England, Netherlands and Australia.
Coal: U.S.A., England, Germany, Russia, Australia and India.
Cocoa: Ghana, S. America and West Indies.
Coffee: Brazil, Indonesia, India.
Copper: Chile.
Cotton: U.S.A., Russia, Egypt, India, Brazil, Argentina and Pakistan.
Electric Bulbs: England, U.S.A., India.
Gold: South Africa, Australia, Canada, S. America, India.
Ilmenite: India.
Iron ore: U.S.A., CIS, U.K., France, Germany, India and Spain.
Jute: Bangladesh, India.
Manganese: India is largest producer of Manganese in the world. Gabon Republic situated on the western coast of South Africa is known as having one of the richest deposits at Moanda.
Mercury: Italy, Spain and U.S.A.
Monazite: India, supplies 88% of the world’s need.
Petroleum: U.S.A., Venezuela, Russia, Middle East countries, Iran and Myanmar.
Plastic Goods: U.S.A., England.
Rock Phosphate: Morocco is world’s leading supplier.
Rubber: Malaysia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. About 40% of the world’s natural rubber is produced by Malaysia.
Silk: China, U.S.A., France.
Silver: Mexico, U.S.A., Peru and India.
Steel: U.S.A., Germany, CIS and England.
Sugar: Cuba.
Tea: India, China, Sri Lanka, Japan and Indonesia.
Tin: Malaysia, Indonesia.
Wool: Australia, Argentina, New Zealand and South Africa.
Chief Crops and Producing States in India
Bajra (millets): Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan.
Barley: U.P., Bihar, Haryana. Its cultivation requires cool climate.
Cardamom: Karnataka. India is the largest producer of cardamom in the world.
Cashewnut: Kerala.
Cinchona: Tamil Nadu (Nilgiri Hills); West Bengal (Darjeeling).
Coconut: Kerala is the leading producer of coconut in India. A coconut tree normally yield 60-70 nuts in a year.
Coffee: Karnataka, Tamil Nadu (Nilgiri Hills) and Kerala. It is a tropical shrub.
Cotton: Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Punjab and Maharashtra.
Cotton Seeds: Maharashtra, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu.
Gram and Pulses: U.P., Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Maharashtra and Karnataka.
Groundnut: Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh.
Hemp: Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and U.P.
Jute: Assam, West Bengal, Bihar and Orissa.
Linseed: Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Orissa, U.P., Maharashtra and West Bengal.
Maize: U.P., Bihar and the Punjab.
Mustard and Rape-seed (Sarson): U.P., West Bengal, Punjab, Bihar and Orissa.
Poppy (opium plant): U.P., Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir.
Rice: Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Tamil Nadu and Orissa. Rice is sown on the largest acreage in India.
Rubber: Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka.
Saffron: Jammu and Kashmir. It is obtained from the stigma of the saffron plant.
Silk: Karnataka, Jammu & Kashmir, West Bengal and Assam.
Spices: Pepper in Kerala and West Bengal; Chillies in West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra; Cardamom in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu; Betelnuts in West Bengal and South India.
Sugarcane: U.P., Bihar, West Bengal, Punjab and Maharashtra.
Tea: Assam, West Bengal, Kerala and Tamil Nadu (Nilgiri Hills), Uttarkhand (Dehradun) and Himachal Pradesh (Kangra Hills).
Tobacco: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, U.P., West Bengal, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
Wheat: U.P., Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh. To some extent in Bihar, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. It is sown in October-November and reaped in April.
Kharif and Rabi Crops
Kharif Crops: are crops raised in autumn as a result of sowing done in June-July. These are cotton, rice, maize and millets.
Rabi Crops: are winter crops sown in October and November and reaped in April. These are wheat, gram, linseed and mustard.
Agriculture Quiz-Major Crops Producing Countries
Major crops(agricultural commodities)– Top producing countries
Below given is a list of top producing countries of major agricultural commodities. The top three producing countries of each crop is given in that order
Almonds–United States, Spain, Syria
Apples—-China,United States,Turkey
Dry beans–Brazil,India,China
Buffalo milk–India, Pakistan,China
Cabbages–China, India,Russia
Camel milk-Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Mali
Carrots—China, Russia, United States
Cashew nuts–Vietnam,India,Brazil
Cauli flower-China,India,Italy
Cherries–Turkey,United states,Iran
Cinnamon–Indonesia,China,Sri Lanka
Cocoa beans–Ivory coast,Ghana,Indonesia
Cow milk–United states,India,Russia
Garlic–China,India,North Korea
Goat milk–India,Bangladesh,Sudan
Grapes–Italy,Frances,United States
Honey–China,United States,Argentina
Lettuce–China,United States,Spain
Maize–United States,China,Brazil
Mushrooms–China,United States,Netherlands
Oats–Russia,Canada,United States
Onions–China,India,United States
Oranges–Brazil,United States,Mexico
Soyabeans–United States,Brazil,Argentina
Sugar cane–Brazil,India,China
Sun flower–Russia,Ukraine,Argentina
Tea–China,India,Sri Lanka
Tomato–China,United States,Turkey
Wheat–China,India,United States
Posted by krishna at 7:52 AM 0 comments
Labels: Major crops(agricultural commodities)– Top producer countries
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